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12/30/2004 IRmep Policy Research Note
Restoring Rule of Law in US Middle East Policy: America's 2005 Priorities
American Values vs. US Middle East Policy

The year 2004 plumbed dark new depths of America's foreign policies in the Middle East.  American citizens, usually willing to support official rationales for foreign policy, including military intervention, on trust in the office of the President, now overwhelmingly oppose the US invasion of Iraq. 56 percent of respondents to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released on December 21, 2004 conclude that the conflict "was not worth the fight" given mounting costs and new information that fundamental justifications for the invasion were incorrect. This new distrust is the backlash to a continuing series of legally and morally questionable actions which have stripped away America's former reputation as a country operating under the “rule of law”.

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11/17/2004 Essay
History of Fundamentalism:
Regional Diagnosis: Aged Arab Rulers on Life Support
By Hassan Al-Husseini
There is a strong rumor going around that Sheikh Zayed of Abu Dhabi, in his 80s, is on life support. It is said that the only decision left is when -- or whether -- to remove the life support. Big questions arise over the succession, which is supposed to be by election.  Sheikh Zayed had strong opinions and has set many policies in place that affect the entire Gulf. Dubai wants a greater say in national UAE affairs.

In Kuwait, they have been grappling for weeks with the health of the ruler, Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah,  and the Prime Minister Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah, both in their 70s. The ruling family is considering a total change, but is not sure when.   Rumors have been flying in recent weeks.

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10/1/2004 IRmep Policy Research as seen inwpe1.jpg (1179 bytes)
Visa woes 'cost US $5bn a year'
The number of students heading to US universities from the Arab world is also in sharp decline, with graduate numbers falling by 14.5 per cent from the Middle East between 2002 and 2003.

From Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, student numbers have nearly halved since 2001, according to Grant Smith, director of the Washington-based Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy. This is despite efforts by Saudi Arabia to train nationals to replace highly skilled foreigners.
Financial Times of London research summary HTML
9/17/2004 IRmep Policy Brief as seen inwpe1.jpg (1373 bytes) (Rank)
An End to Ambiguity: US Counter-Proliferation from Tel Aviv to Tehran
From the Iranian government's perspective, right-wing Likud policies targeting Iran make achieving its own arsenal of tactical and strategic nuclear weapons as quickly as possible an urgent matter of survival. From an American standpoint, the U.S. cannot engage or even credibly threaten Tehran with international isolation unless America first tackles "strategic ambiguity" in Tel Aviv and Washington. Lifting the rhetorical smoke of "strategic ambiguity" reveals the vast differences between U.S. and Israeli policy objectives in the region.
9/10/2004 Special Report
US Visa Policies: Implications for America's Economy
National Arab-US Chamber of Commerce, September 10 2004
The Travel Industry Association of America (TIA) says that over three years, the loss of international travel to the U.S has cost the U.S. economy $15.3 billion in expenditures.  The Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) notes, "If new procedures turn away desirable Saudi visitors, U.S. education, business travel, and tourism industries could easily lose an estimated $4.7 billion in Saudi travel revenue over the next decade."

During 2000-02, according to data in the U.S. Commerce Department's "Survey of Current Business" (October 2003), total receipts from the Arab world dropped by nearly half...  PDF
Special Report As Seen inarab_news_logo_sm.gif (1490 bytes)
Michigan Export Jobs Thwarted by NY and FL Legislators
Javid Hassan, Arab News
RIYADH, 4 September 2004 — A study conducted by the Washington-based Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRMEP) says that congressional roadblocks against Saudi Arabia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) are proving to be counter-productive as lucrative contracts are going to other countries.

The study becomes significant in the context of the current visit of Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce Dr. Fawaz Al-Alamy to Washington to hold talks with US officials as part of the Kingdom's efforts to gain admission to the WTO.

The study, undertaken by Grant F. Smith, director of the institute, has documented that while the total US-assembled auto and light passenger vehicle exports only grew by 6.6 percent, US auto exports to the Kingdom from Michigan alone surged by 25 percent during the same period.
Arab News report summary HTML   Full Report HTML
8/18/2004   Essay as seen in daily_star_sm.gif (1656 bytes)
It is Not Enough to have a Just Cause:
Are Members of Congress Misinformed about the Middle East?
By Adib F. Farha, Special to the Daily Star
The most important lesson is that Americans in general are ill-advised about the issues of the region. But if the tragic events of 9/11 had only one lesson for Americans, it has to be that they are not immune to events in other parts of the world. It is, therefore, in their own interest to be better-informed. Otherwise, they would continue to elect ignorant representatives who play a role in the decision-making process of the world's sole superpower based on false facts. The cost to America of ill-advised decisions has also become abundantly clear after the recent events in Iraq.

The second lesson is that Arab and Muslim diplomacy is painfully ineffective. HTML
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capitol_hill_sm.jpg (3506 bytes)Event at the Rayburn House Bldng 6/29/2004

The Muslim Vote in Election 2004
  The American Muslim vote in the coming elections may prove once again to be very significant in determining who our next President will be. According to CAIR, 78 percent of Muslims voted Republican in 2000. Will the Muslims vote en bloc once again in such a high percentage? Have George W. Bush's policies put him out of the running for obtaining Muslim votes? Will they vote for John Kerry or Ralph Nader? How are Republicans disaffected by the Iraq War and subsequent debt likely to vote? Are Democrats on board with Kerry's "Stay the Course" policy mirroring that of George W. Bush?
Entire Program
Real Video (Streaming)  1:38:00  
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Ind. Presidential Candidate
mp3.jpg (1497 bytes)Nihad Awad, Executive Director, CAIR
mp3.jpg (1497 bytes)Eugene Bird
President, CNI
mp3.jpg (1497 bytes)Hassan Ibrahim, Muslim Public Affairs Council
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CEO, For. Services Int'l.
IRmep Academic Poll: Why the US is in Iraq and How to Get Out -  5/24/2004
A poll of 116 US academics with advanced degrees in Middle East studies reveals skepticism about official justifications for the ongoing US presence in Iraq. 96% of polled academics believe there were no legitimate historical or security reasons for the US invasion.  86% believe that forward military bases are a critical or important decision factor in US Iraq policy.   90% feel that projection of power and control over Middle East oil reserves and infrastructure are critical or important policy criteria while only 34% found evidence that "transformation" and "Middle East democratization" were real factors in the Bush administration decision matrix.

Question:  What drivers do you believe are influencing Bush administration policies on Iraq?

a. Establishing a military foothold in the Middle East.

Polled academics make recommendations for improving US-Iraq policy while speculating about how the US invasion and occupation will be judged by future generations.

Full Survey PDF HTML
Broadcast Live on wpe6.jpg (1438 bytes)
capitol_hill_sm.jpg (3506 bytes)IRmep/CNI Event at the Hart Senate Office Building 4/13/2004

The Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza: Implications for US Middle East Policy
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will be discussing a conditional unilateral withdrawal from Gaza on April 14 with President Bush in the Oval Office of the White House.  What will Israel ask for in terms of compensation?  Does Israel expect the U.S. to legitimize Israeli annexation of the West Bank in return?  How would the security situation in Gaza be affected by a withdrawal?  Will U.S. taxpayers be expected to pay up to $5 billion for the transfer of Israeli settlers out of Gaza?  Find out on Tuesday, April 13 at 10AM!
Palestinian ambassador Hassan Abdul Rahman, just returned from consultations in Cairo,   discussed the details of the withdrawal and conditions that must be established to move the peace process forward.
Ambassador Edward Peck discussed the endgame in Iraq and reviewed possible exit strategies. Eugene Bird, President of CNI, discussed the impact of the Gaza withdrawal on those strategies.
Grant Smith, Director of Research of IRmep, discussed insights and recommendations extracted from an April Gaza withdrawal poll of 100 US academics specializing in the Middle East.
This hearing, sponsored by the Council for the National Interest (CNI) and the Institute for Research Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep), is the fourth in a series on the Middle East in Election 2004.
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MP3 Audio (14.4 MB)

IRmep Poll: US Support of Proposed Israeli Annexations could Increase Terrorism 4/2/2004
A poll of 100 US academics with advanced degrees in Middle East studies reveals concern over proposed Israeli plans to withdraw from Gaza. Negotiations underway between the White House and an Israeli delegation are discussing possible US recognition or approval of Israeli annexation of territories and settlements seized by Israel in the 1967 war. In exchange, Israel would unilaterally withdraw from Gaza.

96% of the Middle East experts polled believe the US has neither the authority nor the international credibility to approve such an arrangement. 81% believe such a deal could increase terror attacks in the Middle East while 75% believe attacks on the US would increase if such an exchange is approved by the Bush administration.

Polled academics observe that any US decisions about territory would likely consider the security of Israelis and effect on the US led "war on terror." However 70% responded that lobby-driven American domestic politics would ultimately determine the outcome of such a swap. 66% believe that calculations about the 2004 presidential elections are a major factor in the current negotiations.
Full Survey PDF HTML
Event at the National Press Club
The Accountability Acts:Implications for US Middle East Policy 3/17/2004
The new Syrian and Saudi "Accountability Acts" represent unique Congressional forays into the executive branch's traditional authority over US foreign affairs.  What is the potential long-term diplomatic and economic impact of accountability acts on the US and relations with the international community? What evidence and justifications underlie these acts?  How are American national interests served?  Which lobbies and interest groups seek these acts?  As Congress sets preconditions for relations with Middle East nations based on violations of international laws and resolutions, should a regional balance be sought in order to increase US credibility?  Should relations with Israel be subject to an accountability act?
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H.E. Imad Moustapha Stephen Zunes, S.F. University Grant Smith, IRmep

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The Syrian Accountability Act
a View from Syria
23:14 Minutes
The Syrian Accountability Act and the Triumph of

17:16 Minutes
The Saudi Accountability Act of 2003
Evidence, Intent and Impact

17:09 Minutes
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IRmep Policy Brief 3/1/2004
Saudi Accountability or US Job Elimination Act?
(Forecast U.S. Service and Manufacturing Jobs tied to Saudi Imports)
The Saudi Arabia Accountability Act of 2003 now under consideration in Congress is rife with problems. Although the bill hopes to address the global scourge of terrorism, evidence cited in the act is inaccurate, obsolete, or narrow to the point of discriminatory.

A consequence of passing the bill into law would be heavy US employment losses.  In 2003 US global exports partially recovered from post 9/11 trade declines. US exports to Saudi Arabia currently provide 124,000 jobs in America and should reach 177,000 by 2012.   However, like many other countries, Saudi Arabia has shown a capability for self-defense through economic retaliation.  This could translate into 81,000 lost jobs in the US beginning in 2004. 

Most Americans reject disinformation and haste as a basis for sound solutions to complex global problems, especially in the Middle East. The Saudi Arabia Accountability Act lacks the integrity, accuracy and responsibility that form the foundation of American law.
Full Policy Brief HTML    PDF
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History in the Making: State Rules on the 1967 Arab-Israeli War
U.S. State Department 1/12/2004
The US Department of State panel discussion opening the two day conference on the 1967 Arab-Israeli war brought little clarity or unanimity about one of many tragic outcomes of the war, the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.  Although the State Department opened the session officially declaring that the Israeli attack which killed 34 Americans and wounded 170, was an accident, two hours of panel presentations brought acrimonious debate and counter charges of cover-ups.  The question and answer session took an Orwellian turn as moderator Marc Susser shouted down speeches from the floor by USS Liberty survivors, pleading, "we're trying to have an academic discussion!"

The heated argument called for clarification.  How valuable is an official history based on what James Bamford called "opinions" with no formal investigation as thorough as the USS Cole?  Why does the conflict about the USS Liberty continue to steam ahead, nearly four decades after the attack?  What does it reveal about US interests and the feelings Americans have about the US-Israeli relationship?  IRmep attempted to find out. 

Full C-Span Event (3 hrs)
Read Transcript HTML windows_media.jpg (1839 bytes)IRmep Segment (0:4:35)
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Palestine, Israel and the Secret Life of Saeed 12/20/2003
Professor Trevor Le Gassick of the University of Michigan discusses US-Arab misunderstanding, religion, Israel and Palestine on the America Radio Network.

TFS: ...and you did a book called The Secret Life of Saeed?
TLG: Yes, that is one of those that I translated, yes.
TFS  Are there lessons in books like this that are valuable, or is it just a matter of taking a classic from one language and moving it into another so others can have access. Is there some reason for us to go out and read this stuff?
TLG: Well this particular book is extraordinarily important, it seems to me, to have available in English at this time. And there is quite a large readership developing for it. Because, of course, it shows what it's like to be an Arab Christian, born and bred in Palestine, and become absorbed into the state of Israel. So it is very topical in that sense of displaying what it is like to be an Israeli Arab. And, of course, it gets to the fundamental issues of the problems between the Israelis and Palestinians.
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MP3 (Download entire interview)
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capitol_hill_sm.jpg (3506 bytes)The 'Clean Break' Plan:
Implications for US Middle East Policy (C-SPAN Archive Video)

Full C-SPAN Panel Discussion
10AM-Noon 11/26/2003
Rayburn House Congressional Office Building
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Adib Farha Statement (HTML)
Dr. E. Faye Williams Statement (HTML)
Adam Shapiro Statement (HTML)
"A Clean Break, A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" is an ambitious 1996 Middle East policy paper. A Clean Break recommended toppling the government of Iraq, "rolling back" Syria and Iran, and "electrifying" support for Israel in the US Congress in exchange for new missile defense contract opportunities. Three of the eight authors have since become prominent policymakers in the U.S. government. The study leader, Richard Perle, is the former chair and a current member of the Defense Policy Board of the Pentagon. Douglas Feith is Undersecretary of Defense and David Wurmser is Vice President Richard Cheney's recently hired Middle East advisor.

But what is "A Clean Break?" What are the plan's core assumptions? How has it affected US regional policy? What insights does it reveal about US policy initiatives in the Middle East? How do Arab countries perceive current US regional policy? Are Clean Break assumptions and strategies beneficial to US interests? What are the potential costs? The IRmep Capitol Hill Forum took place on Wednesday, November 26th 2003 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon in the Gold Room of the Rayburn Congressional House Office Building. Our distinguished and diverse panel of experts and IRmep analysts   reviewed the implications of A Clean Break and took questions from the public. Panel members included Adam Shapiro of the International Solidarity Movement, former congressional candidate and Million Man March leader Dr. E. Faye Williams, Muhammad Khaddam, First Secretary of the Syrian Embassy; Khaled Dawoud, D.C. bureau chief of Al-Ahram; and Adib Farha, adviser of the Lebanese Minister of Finance and professor at the Lebanese American University in Beirut, Lebanon.
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Full C-Span Event (2 Hours)

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