MEASURE is the Middle East
Academic Survey Research and Exposition. MEASURE
is a grant funded research tool that advises policy makers and the American public on
highly relevant topics. MEASURE surveys are
fielded by the Washington DC based Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, (IRmep) a
non-profit, non-partisan, non- ideological public policy institute.
MEASURE surveys academics via a series of multiple choice and open questions to compile
and aggregate informed opinion on timely policy issues.
MEASURE survey candidates are drawn from a pool of 2,300 academics with advanced degrees in Middle East area
studies. Not all MEASURE candidates teach or write about contemporary Middle East issues, but
are generally more informed and involved in regional issues than their counterparts in
academia, and reside within Middle East university departments. The
terminal degree profile of this pool reveals a majority at the PhD and Master level.MEASURE survey results are presented in aggregate form
only. Individual responses are anonymous. MEASURE survey results are presented
to the public in a timely fashion and also made available to policy makers and the press. MEASURE avoids uninvited or multiple survey
responses by soliciting response by invitees only and discarding repeat responses. |
Surveys |
Pool Terminal Degree Profile |