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Deadly Dogma
How Neoconservatives Broke the Law to Deceive America

Institute for Research Publishing 2006

c. 252pp.

Trade Paper,

ISBN # 09764437-4-0

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Deadly Dogma's author Grant F. Smith corrects many common misperceptions about preemptive war, arms control, and fundamental principles of neoconservative policy.  Deadly Dogma dives behind the facade to answer key questions and debunk neocon propaganda.  Why do neoconservatives hold international law in contempt?  Why is a highly idealized and historically selective concept of Israel so important to neoconservatives, and how does it prevent them from confronting true realities in the Middle East?  What is the track record of neoconservative threat assessments made in the 1980's to guide military spending and policy?  Does military preemption actually work?  Are neoconservative ideals "Wilsonian?"  Why are neoconservatives so prominent in broadcast and print news media, is it merit or payola?

Deadly Dogma leverages research from IRmep's Center for Policy and Law Enforcement to reveal thirty years of espionage, conspiracy to defraud the United States, wire fraud and tax fraud perpetrated by prominent neoconservatives.   The book makes a convincing case that the single most important step toward improving US Middle East Policy is uncompromised enforcement of US laws already on the books.

Jeffrey Blankfort - KZYX Radio Interview - August 23, 2006  "It'll get your blood boiling..."

MidWest Book Review - May 8, 2006 "A superbly presented study...A documented presentation, Deadly Dogma exposes the fraudulent neoconservative movement with respect to tax fraud, wire fraud, and extortion in support of their religious beliefs and theological view of the Middle East. Deadly Dogma provides a clear and descriptive analysis of a modern American government under the influence and control of the neoconservatives who engage in a disdainful insecurity-based spite for the world outside of their own, and the propaganda they are willing to present as a means to control the American populace. Deadly Dogma is very strongly recommended reading." Top100 Reviewer Lee Carlson - May 7, 2006  "A good start...It can now perhaps be said with only a residual amount of doubt that the collection of people referred to as the 'neoconservatives' have managed to influence the affairs and decisions of the government of the United States. Most of the book is devoted to evidence for these charges, but the author also reserves space for a philosophical discussion of their views, especially the doctrine of the 'Noble Lie' which he says the neoconservatives do not embrace publicly when questioned about it. Instead of chapters, the book is divided up into 'dogmas' that supposedly represent accurately the views of the neoconservatives. It would certainly take a larger volume than this one to summarize these views, but the book is a fairly good start."

Author Grant F. Smith is director of research at the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep), a Washington D.C. based nonprofit.  Smith's research and analysis have appeared in the Financial Times of London, Arab News, Gannet, The Wall Street Journal, the Daily Star, Associated Press and specialty publications such as the US State Department's "Washington File".  Smith personally appeared on the BBC, Voice of America (VOA) television, C-SPAN, and CNN.  Smith's research has taken him to more than forty countries, on assignments ranging from as little as a few days to a half decade. 

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