Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, Inc.

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Middle East Academic Survey Research and Evaluation

MEASURE is a grant funded research tool to advise policy makers and the American public.  MEASURE surveys US academics via a series of multiple choice and open questions to present an aggregate of informed opinion on timely policy issues.

MEASURE survey candidates are drawn from a pool of academics with a background in Middle East studies.  All MEASURE candidates do not necessarily teach or write about contemporary Middle East issues, but are generally more informed and involved in regional issues than other members of academia.

MEASURE survey results are presented in aggregate form only.  Individual responses are not made public.  MEASURE survey results are presented in a timely fashion and made available to interested members of the public and press.  MEASURE avoids uninvited survey responses by controlling the invitee list and discarding multiple IP addresses. 


A delegation of Israeli diplomats is currently in Washington, DC to negotiate a unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in return for US recognition of parts of the occupied West Bank as Israeli territory.  (News Items)

1. Does the US currently have the global credibility and legal authority to legitimize a unilateral settlement giving Israel lands outside of 1967 borders?


2. How would the formal US recognition of annexation of territory outside the 1967 borders likely affect terrorist attacks in the Middle East?
It would diminish terrorist attacks
It would have no affect on terrorist attacks
It would increase terrorist attacks

3. How would a formal US recognition of annexation of territory outside the 1967 borders likely affect terrorist attacks in the United States?
It would diminish terrorist attacks
It would have no affect on terrorist attacks
It would increase terrorist attacks

4. Which factors could be most important in driving a US decision on whether to recognize land outside of 1967 borders as part of Israel?
a. Concern for the safety and security of Israeli citizens
b. Concern about winning the US led "war on terror"
c. Lobby-driven domestic political concerns
d. 2004 presidential elections in the US
e. Other

5. Other comments and observations about realistic territorial solutions that provide security to Israelis and Palestinians:

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