
Institute for Research:
Middle Eastern Policy

"Research - Awareness - Accountability"





64% of Americans would either renegotiate or cancel the US-Israel Free Trade Agreement - 3/10/2017

64% of Americans would either renegotiate or cancel the US-Israel FTA, which was the grandfather of a series of other trade deals that massively inflated the US trade deficit.

However, although it is currently clear that NAFTA and other deals producing lopsided results could be reevaluated, the Israel trade deal likely will not, that is exclusively because of the Israel lobby. There is simply no other organized group in favor of it.

Question: Israel & its US lobby were key proponents of a 1985 free trade deal that produces the largest cumulative deficit of all bilateral agreements. The president should:

Survey developed by: IRmep
Survey fielded by: Google Surveys 3/10/2017
Population surveyed: US Adult Internet Users
Representative Sample size: 1,005 Statistically significant
Google survey page (link)

Raw survey data from Google (Download)

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