41% of Americans want their representatives to visit PalestiniansOne of every three members of Congress boarding a jetliner on a privately-funded all-expense paid trip overseas has Israel as their final destination. Only one out of a hundred ever visits Palestinian territories as a final destination. However, members can no longer justify the minuscule number of trips to Palestinian territory as a constituent mandate. When asked, 41.2% of American adults recently polled said members making visits to Israel should also visit "territories where Palestinians expelled during Israel’s creation live." Question: Should members of the US Congress taking educational trips to Israel also visit the territories where Palestinians expelled during Israel’s creation live?
If private groups provided fact-finding trips to Palestinian territories at a rate commensurate with quantifiable public interest, members would have taken 567 such visits between 2014-2018. Whether meaningful numbers would be courageous enough to go on such trips – officially or privately funded – is an open question.
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