NATIONAL SUMMIT TO REASSESS THE U.S. - ISRAEL "SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP" Washington, DC - March 7, 2014 at the National Press Club
"..a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils."
-George Washington, Farewell Address
Backgrounder: history and current situation in the Middle Eas
1. Backgrounder: history and current situation in the Middle East. 2. How the "special relationship" affects U.S. standing in the region. 3. The Israeli connection to U.S. wars and calls for military action in the Middle East. 4. Israel's impact on U.S. security and the American economy. 5. American casualties of the special relationship. 6. Impact on the political process: the Israel lobby and Congress. 7. The Israel lobby's Influence on political parties. 8. The Israel lobby and the news media.
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