62% Oppose Giving Israel F-35 Jet Fighters - 9/5/2017Results from a public opinion poll of 1,000 American adults fielded through Google Surveys reveal widespread opposition to the pending transfer—at American taxpayer expense—of fifty $100 million dollar F-35 jet fighters to Israel. Question: Under terms of a $38 billion 10-year aid package obtained for Israel by its US lobby, Israel has begun receiving the first of fifty F-35 jet fighters costing $100 million each.
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IRmep with special thanks to Jeffrey Blankfort In the News:
62% of Americans Oppose Giving F-35 Jets to Israel: Stealth
Fighters May Be Modified by Israel To Carry Nukes
Poll 62% of Americans Oppose Giving F-35 Jets to Israel:
Stealth Fighters May Be Modified by Israel To Carry Nukes